Text Sentiment Analysis
Now, after gathering data from any data source and treating it you may
want to do some sentiment analysis of text data, so to understand the opinion
of people about your brand. (0) Neuters; (1) Positive; (-1) Negative.
Actually, to do an accurate sentiment analysis we should prepare machine
learning models, but this is a hard work and it takes a long time to perform
it. That’s why; in python we have some libraries that can do this analysis for
In this tutorial, I’ll provide you a script that helps you to analyze
the sentiment of your customers or followers very simply.
Imagine that you have extracted retweets of your Twitter account and you
saved them in a CSV file. As I shown you it the previous articles;
We install these libraries:
pip install textblob // this library is used for translating text, analyze sentiments …
pip install textblob_fr //this is reserved for French text
In this code I’ll explain how to use the 2 different analyzers: Naïve bayes
for English & Arabic text. And PatternAnalyzer() in case of French, in
order to have an idea how to deal with the two ones. But of course naïve bayes
returns more accurate results.
The details are in the code. So I invite you to consult it: https://github.com/dihiaselma/Tweeter/blob/master/Sentiment%20Analysis.py
thank you for this paper
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